Why You Should Never Use Coconut Oil To Remove Makeup?

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In today’s world living without makeup is something us girls can’t even imagine. Makeup has become an integral part of our daily routine. But as much as we love putting on makeup we all hate taking it off the right way at the end of the day.

Couple of days back I saw a video on Instagram stating that removing makeup with coconut oil can do wonders to your skin. It is natural makeup remover and its gentle and extremely good for your skin.

But I beg to differ!

Here Is Why You Should Never Remove Make Up With Coconut Oil?

We need to remove makeup at the end of the day to let our skin breath and to keep our facial pores as happy as possible. But with thicker molecular structure of coconut oil instead of doing the job, it does the opposite. It clogs your pores more.

This in turn might lead to breakouts, uneven skin tone and can speed up your aging process.

Another reason why using coconut oil to remove makeup is a bad idea is it can lead to irritation especially if you are someone with sensitive skin.

And if you are someone with oily skin type then your skin might feel sticky and oily overnight which will hamper your skin health in the long run.

If you have dry skin and are accidentally believing the myth that coconut oil might deeply nourish your skin then you are mistaken. It is so heavy for your skin to absorb and gain any benefits instead it just sits there forming a layer on your skin and harming it in the long run.

Another reason is your skin gets tanned quickly. This is something I have learnt from personal experience after using coconut oil to remove makeup for a week. My skin tanned badly and I had to use tomato face mask to remove unwanted tan. Plus, my skin broke out so badly,

That is why I am writing this post so it might prevent your skin from going through damage like mine did!*sobs*

So what to use instead?

Try using makeup removing balms or micellar waters and then follow up with a good cleanser and a nourishing moisturizer, serum or night cream whatever works best for you. And if its day time and you are removing your makeup, make sure you follow it up with a good sunscreen to protect your skin from UV damage.

To protect your skin and keep it at its healthier state I would suggest you to keep following things in mind:

  • Always remove your makeup no matter how lazy you might be feeling.
  • Use a good make up removing balm or cleanser or micellar water instead of opting for oils.
  • Follow a religious skin care routine and use a gentle cleanser after removing your makeup.
  • Keep it hydrated with good nourishing moisturizers like Cetaphil or serums or night creams.
  • Never skip on your sunscreen.
  • And whenever trying any DIY or  anew product always patch test first!

Have you tried using oils to remove your makeup? what was your experience? Do share via comments!

Have a lovely day!