Hair Falling Out After Keratin Treatment? Try These 4 Quick To Follow Solutions!

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We all love to style our hair after all its the one crown that we never take off. And with new and new hair treatments hitting the market its getting harder and harder to resist. One such treatmentĀ  is keratin!

The keratin treatment makes your hair appear its best and you don’t have to spend hours daily styling it. Just do the treatment once and you are sorted with perfect hair for months.

But hair falling out after keratin treatment is experience by many and if you too are sailing in the same boat then read on to find out why are you losing your precious manes.

Why Does Hair Fall Out After Keratin Treatment?

There are couple of reasons you might notice extra strands on your pillow or while you brush your hair or after washing your hair after keratin treatment:

It Hampers Hair Elasticity

After this treatment your hair elasticity is compromised to a great extent. Hair elasticity is extremely important for your hair to stay at its healthiest especially while you wash or brush them.

Keratin Weakens Your Hair Roots

This treatment weakens your hair roots resulting in dry hair that breaks easily. This is one of the main reasons you notice more and more hair strands with each passing day.

Clogs Pores

Your hair shafts are really fragile and keratin treatments results in clogging pores of your fragile manes which results in product build-up, hair breakage and eventually hair loss.

Minimizes Your Natural Sebum Production

With these treatments, your scalp’s ability to produce sebum decreases drastically. This sebum helps your hair stay healthier, glossier and split ends free. But with less sebum you might notice not only hair fall but also dry ends or split ends.

How to Control Hair fall After Keratin Treatment?

  • Start by doing ACV rinse this will help open up pores and promote natural sebum production.
  • Switch to hydrating shampoos and conditioners.
  • Do deep conditioning treatment once a week.
  • You can also add argan oil or aloe vera gel or lady finger hair mask to your hair care routine for better elasticity and minimizing hair breakage.

So, if you too are dealing with hair fall after keratin treatment you know the reasons why and steps to combat it. Do share in the comments how was your experience with keratin treatment and what worked for you to minimize your hair loss after it.

Have a lovely day!